
Showing posts from February, 2022

South American Wonders- Brazil (Part 1)

What is that one crazy wish that you have had since childhood and still yearn to fulfil it someday? For me, it was a teenage fancy to be a part of the world's largest carnival and witness the madness of this festival in person! As you might have guessed already, this travel tale is all about the intriguing continent of South America. In this post, I will share my experience of visiting Brazil and interesting insights regarding the Rio Carnival! Destination: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) There are a number of beautiful locations spread across the continent in different countries such as Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Chile etc. that one can visit when travelling to South America. However, generally with limited time, you would need to choose the ones which you want to visit the most.  This post will tell you how to make the most of your time in the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. As most of you know, Brazil is the largest country in South America and also the longest country in the world, spa